Blockbuster's Total Access plans, while being very similar to its top competitor Netflix, did have one key advantage. Just like Netflix, you could sign up for a plan to receive one, two, or three movies at a time by mail. Upon receipt of your returned movie(s), you are sent the next movie(s) from a queue you have set online. However, Blockbuster's Total Access has the advantage of having physical Blockbuster locations. They allowed customers to return movies directly to a Blockbuster store instead of mailing them back. In return, the customer could enjoy a free rental from the store. And, these free rentals were
in addition to the mailed movie plan limit.
So, what's changing in the Total Access Policy? Basically two things:- In-store rentals will count toward your Total Acess plan
- The in-store rentals will not have return due dates, just like the by-mail movies, and will not be subject to the store rental terms
These terms began affecting select Blockbuster locations last month, and will continue to roll out to the remaining stores over

the next few months. Now that Total Access has basically it's awesome differentiating factor, it will be interesting to see how much longer they last. Don't forget, Neflix also offers online streaming of thousands of movies.
More info
here, including a snippet from the revised Terms and Conditions
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